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Recap / Justice League Action S 1 E 5 Follow That Space Cab

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The Space Cabbie has got some downtime. As he ponders what to do with it, a new fare turns up in the person of Superman, smashing through the roof. The hero hires the cab since he's been blasted with a red sun ray and is powerless.

Hot on their trail is Lobo, who's looking to take what Superman has: a sphere containing evil space terrorist worm, Mr. Mind. Turns out the worm took out a loan from a space gangster, then welshed on it. Lobo wants the reward for getting the worm back to the gangster, but Superman has to get the worm back to the Watchtower.

Superman calls for backup and has the cabbie head for Earth. In the jostling the cab gets the sphere holding Mind gets a tiny hole cracked in it. The worm blesses the Cabbie out for bad driving.

Hawkman arrives, only for Lobo to mock him. He leads Hawkman into a trap on a mining planet, which Superman is only barely able to discern with his weakly returning telescopic vision.The cab is too busted up from the attacks to move, but the Cabbie has his Jack and soon gets them flying again.

Cabbie gets Superman there in the nick of time; fortunately it's under a yellow sun, which gives Superman his full power back. The Man of Steel intervenes, saving his teammate.

Cabbie watches, cheering the heroes on, only to try making conversation with Mr. Mind. He discovers that the worm has escaped his prison sphere and squeezed under the dash, where he plans to rewire the engine to blow and destroy all his pursuers. The Cabbie tries to yank the worm out, only to nearly lose a hand in the process. However, he thinks quickly and appeals to the worm's colossal, inflated ego.

Cabbie: I've had celebrities in my cab before, but never one of your stature!

The worm is not beneath succumbing to being fanboyed at and consents to a selfie to outdo all the others on the sun visor. Cabbie uses the camera flash to blind the worm so he can grab him. He doesn't get but a second to savor his victory before a the fight knocks into the cab, again and bounces them around so Cabbie's grip is broken. Mind is free once again!

Lobo returns and re-engages the fight. He offers to split the reward with the heroes to stop the fight. Hawkman and Superman press their advantage and knock him back. Lobo steps backwards, landing a heel on Mind, who can't squirm away fast enough and has to watch the biker boot descend.

Lobo: Eww, I got Mind on me.

Lobo wipes off the residue and tosses the corpse to the heroes, satisfied he has enough proof to get his reward.

In a distant galaxy, the space crook confirms the DNA belongs to Mind. But to Lobo's dismay the crime boss isn't satisfied...

... Because elsewhere, Mind has completed his regeneration, and his vocalizer managed to escape getting crushed. Unfortunately, the heroes knew he could regrow, and have him safely imprisoned. The Cabbie takes the opportunity to grab the selfie he didn't get earlier.

Superman offers his thanks to the Cabbie for his help. Cabbie is modestly only too happy to have done his part, except...

Cabbie: It's just... my meter was running the whole time, and my cab is totalled...

To his embarrassment, Superman has no cash on him. Hawkman, however, got chunks of anthrocite stuck in his wings during the fight, and offers it up. It turns out to be coal. Superman takes it and does his instant diamond trick, handing it off to a pleased and grateful Cabbie. He asks only for one last thing, before leaving: a selfie with Hawkman and Superman for his visor.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Chekhov's Gun: The mining planet turned out to be not just a good battlefield, but the method by which Superman could make good on his debt to the Space Cabbie.
  • Fingore: Teased, as Cabbie reaches beneath the dash, unaware that Mr. Mind has positioned a running fan directly in the path of his hand.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: We don't see the result of Space Cabbie getting his fingers into the fan. The shot pulls back so we see only the cab and hear Cabbie screaming.
  • I Shall Taunt You: Lobo does this to get Hawkman to follow him into a trap, talking smack about Thanagarians being little more than humanoid sized chicken nuggets.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Superman is out of the action for most of the fight because he got hit by a red sun ray.
