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Recap / Jeannie

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  1. Surf's Up: Jeannie gets jealous when Corey partners with a girl named Angie for a surfing contest. She retaliates by stealing his math paper, but then loses it.
  2. The Decathlon: Corey and Henry train for an athletic competition and become upset when Jeannie tries to use her magic to strengthen them, saying that is cheating.
  3. The Great Ski Robbery: Corey and Henry get jobs at a ski resort. After an initial quarrel with Jeannie, she helps them catch two criminals.
  4. Survival Course: Corey and Henry join a survival course, but Jeannie gets them in trouble by trying to help them.
  5. The Power Failure: Jeannie gets a makeover to try to impress Corey, but her ponytail gets cut off, stripping her of her powers.
  6. The Dognappers: A show dog named Fifi is dognapped, so Corey, Henry, Jeannie, and Babu try to rescue her.
  7. The Pigeon: The gang tries to train a pigeon for a bird racing contest.
  8. Helen of Troy: Jeannie helps Corey with his report by summoning Helen of Troy so he can interview her, but regrets it with he and Helen start to fall in love.
  9. The Sailors: After Jeannie accidentally gets Corey disqualified in a boat race, they stage a sea rescue to get him another chance.
  10. The Kid Brother: While Corey babysits a boy named Billy, the boy witnesses Jeannie's powers and tries to expose her.
  11. The Blind Date: Corey goes on a blind date with Henry's cousin Bunny, but Jeannie interferes. Furious, he orders her back into her bottle as punishment, but his mother sends the bottle to the recycling plant and he must save her.
  12. The Commercial: Corey wins a contest to star in a commercial with a beautiful women, but Jeannie objects.
  13. Don Jaun: While looking for dates to a dance, Jeannie enchants Henry to make him desirable to women, but Corey becomes depressed when all the girls ridicule him and flock to Henry.
  14. The Dog: The Great Hadji asks the gang to look after his dog, Salome, but when the disobedient dog makes a mess of things, a frustrated Corey angers Hadji and he turns him into a dog.
  15. The Jinx: Frustrated that he keeps botching his magic, Babu runs away from home.
  16. The Wish: Henry is jealous of Corey's success. When Jeannie offers to grant him a wish for his birthday, he wishes to switch bodies with Corey.
