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Recap / Granblue Fantasy A Thousand Reasons

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A Thousand Reasons

The Grandsky Rumble, a martial art tournament held in Albion Citadel colosseum. Qualifiers have finished up with twelve winners making it out, some of which include members of the crew.

The crew of the Grandcypher themselves did come to the tourney, but only for a specific reason they find suspicious.


  • Cheaters Never Prosper: While it managed to get him to the final round, Al-Khalid effectively lost after the Captain damages the cheating device on his neck.
  • Cut Lex Luthor a Check: Sierokarte points out that Al-Khalid's device when tuned down would have been beneficial to the elderly and the injured.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Soriz is immediately eliminated after being distracted by Claudia's skirt-lifting.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: Despite want to prove that Harvins are capable of close combat, his goals are undermined by the fact that he cheated his way to victory.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: The Grandsky Rumble's true purpose is to make Al-Khalid a hero in the martial arts world.
  • Let's Fight Like Gentlemen: The duel between Soriz and Vanzza has the two limit themselves to only kicking each other. Vanzza reflexively blocking with his tonfas gave Soriz the opportunity to knock him out.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise:
    • Because the Captain already turned down the invitation to the Grandsky Rumble, they resort to entering under an assumed name while wearing their Luchador outfit. Everyone except for Aliza figures out their identity while masked.
    • Ayer's opponent in the third match is against the Pitch-Black Punisher. It doesn't take long for Lyria and Vyrn to point out it's Seox, adding their suspicions of the tourney due to his involvement alone.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Seeing the Captain's determination, Ghandagoza decides to disqualify himself by jumping out of the ring. The majority of the spectators are rightfully pissed on how anti-climatic the match went.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: The Grandsky Rumble ends with no actual winner. Al-Khalid going berserk causes damage to the colosseum, making it very awkward for the crew to ask for the prize money if they wanted it in the first place.
