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Recap / Calvin And Hobbes Calvin Gets Sick

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Calvin catches a bug and gets sick in the middle of the night, requiring the care of his mother and a visit to the doctor for treatment.


  • Annoying Patient: The arc focuses on Calvin's sickness, climaxing when he hollers "ROOM SERVICE!!" On the flip side, his doctor commented that the flu he had made Calvin a much more agreeable patient.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Calvin's mom is annoyed at having to get up in the middle of the night to care for Calvin, suspecting that he just overindulged in dessert and muttering that he better actually be sick. Immediately, she hears Calvin vomiting, and yells that she didn't mean it.
  • Breakfast in Bed: While Calvin is sick, his mom brings him toast and tea in bed.
  • Hot Drink Cure: Calvin's mom gives him tea while he's recovering from the stomach flu.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When Calvin wakes up in the morning and is still feeling sick, his mom says she'll make an appointment with the doctor. Just to test him, she then tells Calvin that it's Saturday, so he won't miss school if he goes to the doctor. Calvin says he knows and doesn't react with disappointment or suddenly start acting normal. Calvin's mom runs to the phone, convinced that he must really be sick.
  • Sick Episode: Probably the sickest Calvin ever gets during the strip's run. He so sick he can't even muster up the proper disappointment in knowing he got sick on a Saturday rather than a school day.
  • Vomit Discretion Shot: Calvin vomits twice after getting sick in the middle of the night, both times off panel.
