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Quotes / Walking Shirtless Scene

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Steve Uyehara: Were there no shirts around? What's going on with that?
Ramsey Wharton: Who needs shirts?

"Whoa, look over here
We got a cute little ol' runner to the right
Blue shorts, no shirt
Whoo! You're lookin; good darling
That's right, stay in shape"
K.T. Oslin, "Younger Men"

Man: I'm sorry but our fine establishment has a strict no shirt, no service rule.
Cthulhu: No shirt can contain the awesomeness that is Cthulhu!

"Why'd you take off your shirt?"
Krillin to Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z Abridged

"Bust out your parasol, 'cause it's RAININ' ABS!"
Summer Ranzal, Dragalia Lost

Mook: Why don't you ever wear a shirt?
Alpha Hero: I'm allergic to not looking sexy!
Terrible Writing Advice, "Alpha Heroes"

Rey: Why does this keep happening? Don't you own a shirt?
Shirtless Kylo: The breeze, it's... liberating.

Rey: Is this what you always wear?
Kylo: We are going to see the Supreme Leader, I am dressed appropriately.
Rey: But communicating through the force, that called for being shirtless?

Drax: It [the toupee] chafes my scalp. As does this confounded cloth against my chest.
Gamora: It's called a shirt.
Drax: A foul name for an evil garment.

The receptionist, chic and bare from the waist up, started in surprise then gained masterful control of herself.
—The Narrator on Shirley when Douglas Quail returns to Rekall during We Can Remember It For You Wholesale
