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Quotes / Reaction Shot

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Over seven years, Kate Mulgrew gave us some of the finest Star Trek reaction gifs the cosmos could offer in her role as Captain Kathryn Janeway. A smirk here, an "if looks could kill this would be a barrage of about 40 photon torpedoes right at your face" there. But my absolute favorite is what I dub "The Janeway Maneuver"—a tight angle on Mulgrew's face as she stares into the distance off-camera, eyes wide open, mouth slightly agape. The Janeway Maneuver was typically reserved for the moments just before an ad break—hence the need for a prolonged, singular reaction—but that never stopped Mulgrew from flashing a startled, open-mouthed look across the bridge whenever she damn well wanted to.
James Whitbrook, An Appreciative Gallery of Voyager's Captain Janeway, Looking Shocked
