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Quotes / "Cavemen vs. Astronauts" Debate

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Marco is Jake’s best friend. They’ve been best friends forever. No one even remembers when it started. But ever since their friendship began, they’ve been arguing with each other about the most completely idiotic things in the universe: whether you should use more pedal or higher gears to win this dumb driving video game they love; whether Spiderman could beat Batman; whether basketball takes more teamwork than football; whether cheese tastes yellow.
I’m not kidding. They once spent an entire Saturday arguing whether something could taste like a color. I seem to remember that Marco thought cheese actually tasted green.
Cassie, Animorphs #14: The Unknown

Nikolai: Vivienne, though I cherish our partnership, I question your judgement at times. When you consider the fact that you continuously, erroneously assert that white chocolate is 'real' chocolate—
Vivienne: Don't you start with that.
For the first time she sounds actually offended.
Vivienne: White chocolate is real chocolate if it has at least thirty percent cacao content in it. High quality white chocolate has cacao and even if it didn't, it's still chocolate.
Nikolai: It is not. The majority of white chocolate is a slab of solid fat and sugar and it makes my mouth hurt.
Vivienne: Don't make your weakness the metric by which you measure chocolate!
Nikolai: The issue is that we as a society need to find some other name for it that isn't 'chocolate'.
Vivienne: So you admit your argument is nothing but mere classist, prescriptivist nonsense!
Nikolai: It isn't chocolate!
Queen of Thieves, Vivienne's route
