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"What kind of animal is Animal? Is he even an animal??? So often we go back and forth about the mystery of Gonzo’s species. The debate of whether he’s an alien, a bird, a weirdo, an artist, and so forth becomes so loud, we don’t even see the other question mark right in front of our faces. Okay, so what do we know? Animal is the manic drummer of the Electric Mayhem, humanoid but not quite human, part beast but nothing recognizable. It’s likely he isn’t vegetable or mineral. He exists in the gray area between man and monster, but that answer doesn’t satisfy."
A ToughPigs article about Animal's species

"Am I a mouse, a dog, or a bear? All you need to know is that I'm... the principal!"
Principal Nezu, My Hero Academia

Wakko Warner: Maybe we are dogs,
Cute little dogs with ears.
Woof woof! (pant)
And little tails that we can wag
Hey! Let's go fetch his slippers and play tag!
Dr. Scratchandsniff: Hey, get off of me!
Dot Warner: Maybe I'm a cat.
Whadaya think of that?
A lovely cat that all the world adores.
And here's my kitty paws
With little kitty claws,
Which I like to sharpen on your couch!
Dr. Scratchandsniff: Ahhh! That's not funny!
Yakko Warner: Maybe I'm a bunny
Hopping 'round here happy as I please.
Or penguins and it's cold, which makes you sneeze.
Dr. Scratchandsniff: Ah-choo!
Yakko Warner: I've got it! Of course!
Maybe I'm a horse.
I can live on oats and hay
And laugh and run and jump and play
And you can ride on me all day!
Dr. Scratchandsniff: No way!
Dot Warner: Hey, maybe I'm a skunk.
Dr. Scratchandsniff: Oh, boy, you really stink!
Yakko Warner: A dinosaur might be some fun.
Dr. Scratchandsniff: But then you'd be extinct!
Dot Warner: Maybe we're all insects.
Wakko Warner: Do you like bugs and bees?
Dr. Scratchandsniff: You kids are buggy in the head!
Yakko Warner: Maybe we're giant fleas.
Dot Warner: Maybe an electric eel.
Wakko Warner: Or a seal.
Dot Warner: Get real!
Hey, wait a minute, I got it now!
Dr. Scratchandsniff: You do?
Dot Warner: Yes I do!
Warner Siblings: We're not bees and we're not cats
Or bugs or horses or things like that.
What we are is clear and absolute.
What we are, dear doctor...
Is cute!
Dr. Scratchandsniff: I'm sorry I asked.
Animaniacs, "What Are We?"

Teehee! You're too pretty to be a mouse. Maybe you're a dog? Or a cat! Oh, I know. You must be a horse!
Gerda on Fou (he's a Beast), Fate/Grand Order
