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Quotes / Accidental Aesop

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"I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach."
Upton Sinclair, comparing the intent and effect of The Jungle.

"PERSONS attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.
Per G.G., Chief of Ordnance."

The Room, precisely with its unrealistic, biased inaccuracy, accurately depicts why breakups actually happen. People don't fully understand how the other person feels and begin to think of them as malicious figures, because that's the only way we can make sense of people when we don't fully understand them. I've talked to plenty of guys about breakups, and very often you get the same old story just like this one, where their partner turned out to be a crazy bitch who just wanted to hurt them. But if you're ever lucky enough to hear the other side of a story like that, they're often just frustrated with people who can so easily view them like that if they have a few arguments. Wiseau tried to make a film about his breakup, but it turned out to be a film about his inability to understand why it happened.

Congratulations gentlemen, you’ve taught us that crime does pay. Good job.
Gumball Watterson, The Amazing World of Gumball

Screenwriter: So then by lying on purpose, he's able to escape.
Producer: Oh yeah, that's a pretty good lesson for the kids for sure.
Screenwriter: It is, yeah, resourcefulness and whatnot.
Producer: Yeah, and also, you know, sometimes lying can help get you out of tough situations.
Screenwriter: Oh, that's- that's not really what I was going for.
Producer: I mean, not many ways to interpret that one, buddy. He literally lies to get out of a situation.
Screenwriter: Oh, yeah, no, you're right. Maybe that was what I was going for subconsciously.

"I don’t know if this scene was intended to work as a PSA but it did accurately tell me how cruel it is to catch sea animals, dry them alive and sell them."
