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Playing With / Wounded Gazelle Warcry

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Basic Trope: Victimhood used to inspire other fighters.

  • Straight: Bob and Alice are fighting and at a stalemate with Emperor Evulz' forces when Charlie grabs a weapon and dashes into the fight, allowing them to beat Evulz to save him.
  • Exaggerated: Bob and Alice are at a stalemate with Emperor Evulz' forces when Charlie, Dracone, Eva, and Tropey the Wonder Dog dash into the fight. Alice and Bob unlock never-before-seen potential to save all of them.
  • Downplayed: Bob and Alice are fighting the local bully and at a stalemate when Charlie intervenes and the bully blacks his eye, allowing them to gain the upper hand for a crucial moment.
  • Justified: ???
  • Inverted: ???
  • Subverted: Bob and Alice are at a stalemate with Emperor Evulz' forces when Charlie dashes into the fight...and Bob and Alice lose focus as they try to get him back out of harm's way.
  • Double Subverted:...But then one of Evulz' men makes the mistake of slashing Charlie with his sword, hurting him and breaking his Orphan's Plot Trinket. Cue Unstoppable Rage from Bob and Alice.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: ???
  • Enforced: The author wants to play with Charlie being The Load.
  • Lampshaded:
    Charlie: I may not be a good fighter, but I can be a rallying cry.
  • Invoked: Charlie purposely gets himself injured, knowing it will inflame the other fighters.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

Come on, everyone! Remember the Wounded Gazelle Warcry!
