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Playing With / Scunthorpe Problem

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Basic Trope: Censoring swear words that are found inside other words.

  • Straight: Alice is on an Internet forum and is trying to write "Hello", but the word keeps appearing as "Hecko" after processing.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice gets automatically and permanently banned from the forum for posting the word "Hello".
    • It even censors words that, while they could be considered impolite, aren't even profanity, such as "stupid" and "butt".
    • If the letters 'h', 'e', 'l', and 'l' are arranged in that order, even if there are other characters in between (for example, "Hey, let's play a game!"), Alice gets an error message saying her post cannot be accepted, without even telling her what in her post is a banned word.
    • The site censors any word which contains "h_ll", regardless of which letter comes between the h and the first l. This causes problems when Alice tries to make a post about her hobby, which happens to be hill-walking.
    • The filter also blocks misspelled swear words, such as the string "hel", so Alice can't talk about the helicopter ride she went on or the new football helmet she bought.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice was trying to write a word that by itself could be interpreted as profanity, but in a non-swearing context, such as "pussy" when referring to a cat or "bitch" when referring to a female dog.
    • Alice isn't banned but is warned not to write "hell" again on the site. She's still miffed, especially if the administrator doesn't admit the content filter is unnecessarily stringent.
  • Justified: The person who came up with the site made a list of words that needed to be censored, but forgot to add exceptions.
  • Inverted: Alice tries to talk about how much she loves butter on toast, but it keeps changing the word to asser.
  • Subverted: Alice writes "Hello", sends the post, and holds her breath, waiting for it to be accepted... and it is.
  • Double Subverted:
    • It's replaced with "Hecko" soon after.
    • When Alice tries to write about her collection of seashells, the censorship filter kicks in and changes that to "seashecks."
    • "Hell" isn't blocked by the filter, but "ass" is, so when Alice tries to write about a class she's taking, the filter changes it to "clbutt".
  • Parodied: Alice is on a dog breeder's website but she isn't allowed to write "bitch".
  • Averted:
    • There are no profanity filters.
    • The profanity filters don't censor text strings inside other words.
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • Some words that Alice writes have strings of letters that add up to swear words. A few get censored, a few don't.
    • There is Selective Enforcement of the anti-profanity edict.
  • Enforced:
    • "What if someone tries to use those words to swear? I'd better ban them too!"
    • The profanity filter came as part of the package with the software used to create the site and cannot be turned off or modified.
  • Lampshaded: "Honestly, 'hello'?! How is that a bad word?!"
  • Invoked: The forum admin doesn't like the fact that the word hello contains the word hell.
  • Exploited: Bob tries to prove that Alice swears a lot to Charlie by showing her something she wrote on an Internet forum that's mostly blanked out.
  • Defied:
    • The person writing the site makes sure to list all the words that have swears inside them and make sure it doesn't censor those.
    • The site's users are given the option to set the profanity filter to a lower level, or to turn it off altogether.
    • After having her posts censored once too often, Alice migrates to another site where anti-swearing measures are less strictly enforced.
    • Alice deliberately misspells words which contain swears so they won't be caught by the filter. For example, "Hello" becomes "Helo".
    • Alice uses alternative words that don't contain any swears inside of them. For instance, instead of saying "Hello", she says "Hi".
  • Discussed: "I'm a studiously clean-mouthed person. There won't be a reason to censor my writing anywhere."
  • Conversed: "Why on Earth is it censoring 'hello'?"
  • Implied: The word "Hecko" is seen on Alice's post, followed by "I did not mean to write that!"
  • Deconstructed:
    • The other people on the forum cannot understand Alice.
    • Members start leaving the forum after the word filter renders all the messages unintelligible.
  • Reconstructed: They're having the same problem, so they know what she's trying to say.
  • Played for Laughs: Posts that contain strings of letters that add up to profanity are turned into jokes.
  • Played for Drama: Alice's boss sees that some of her writing is blanked out and thinks she's swearing.
  • Played for Horror: Posts that contain strings of letters that add up to profanity are censored. Death threats, on the other hand, are not, and somebody acts on them.

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