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Playing With / Milholland Relationship Moment

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Basic Trope: Someone fears that something they've done will badly upset another party. It turns out to not be such a big deal.

  • Straight: Spencer accidentally breaks Mary's Priceless Ming Vase while she's out of the house. He spends the rest of the time worrying that she'll be angry at him for breaking it, but when she comes home, she just reacts calmly and moves on.
  • Exaggerated: While Mary is away for a week, Spencer accidentally spills a cup of water on the tabletop. Spencer spends the rest of the week researching how to deal with a breakup, anticipating what Mary will say and how to react, and moving on with his life after the inevitable fallout. She comes home and literally doesn't notice anything.
  • Downplayed: Mary is disappointed that he broke the vase, but she still loves him and their relationship isn't damaged.
  • Justified: Spencer had no idea that Mary didn't care about the vase that much.
  • Inverted: After he breaks Mary's vase, Spencer thinks she'll be able to shrug it off and isn't worried. When she comes home, she's devastated by it.
  • Subverted: Berate and Switch: "Spencer, how dare you break that vase! ...I was gonna sell it on eBay for a buck fifty!"
  • Double Subverted: She didn't mean that seriously, but Spencer is Sarcasm-Blind. She really is mad that he broke it.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig-Zagged: While waiting for Mary to get home, Spencer goes from fearing to his life to realizing it wasn't that bad to back again multiple times. Mary comes home and doesn't notice it, but when Spencer tells her, she's disappointed, but respects that he was honest about a mistake he made.
  • Averted: Spencer doesn't break Mary's vase in the first place.
  • Enforced: Rule of Drama.
  • Lampshaded: "You mean I spent all this time worrying about something that wasn't really a problem?"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: Spencer breaks the vase, but doesn't notice anything wrong. However, Grant gets it into his head that Mary will be really upset with him for it, making him worry.
  • Defied: After breaking the vase, Spencer texts Mary about it so he can know her response immediately rather than needing to wait until she gets home.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

Oh man, I'm so sorry if this Milholland Relationship Moment ruins everything! Please don't hate me!
