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Playing With / Knockback

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  • Basic Trope: A character flies backwards upon being hurt.
  • Straight: Bob gets shot by a mook, and flies backwards.
  • Exaggerated: Punched Across the Room
  • Downplayed: Bob gets shot by a mook. He flinches.
  • Justified: Bob was hit very hard.
  • Inverted: Bob gets shot by a mook. He flies forward.
  • Subverted: Bob was faking falling backwards to make his opponent believe he is weak.
  • Double Subverted: Because he actually is really weak.
  • Parodied: Instead of getting knocked back, Bob stumbles everywhere for an extended period of time, to the point that it looks like he's doing a tap dance. He then kills the mook, who was distracted due to the fact that he was laughing his ass off at Bob's "tap dance".
    • Bob does this whenever he is hurt in any fashion. Hilarity Ensues.
    • Bob gets knocked a cliff. The mook looks over the cliff, and sees Bob Flipping the Bird to him as he falls.
  • Zig-Zagged: Sometimes Bob gets sent flying when he's hurt, other times he doesn't even flinch.
  • Averted: Bob does not go flying when he is hurt.
  • Enforced: The creators wanted to implement Fake Difficulty into the game.
  • Lampshaded:
    Mook, to Bob: Dude, there's no need to be so over-dramatic. I shot you, that's all.
  • Invoked: Bob does not wear armor.
  • Exploited: Bob realizes that he always gets sent catapulting backwards when he's hit, and uses it as a method to avoid immediately getting hit again.
  • Defied: Bob makes sure to wear sturdy armor so that he is not so easily fazed.
  • Discussed:
  • Conversed:
  • Deconstructed: Bob was standing precariously close to a cliff at the time, and falls to his doom. Game Over.
  • Reconstructed: Bob has extra lives.
    • Bob gets knocked over the cliff, to the other side.
