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Playing With / Invulnerable Knuckles

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Basic Trope: Characters never injure their fists during brawls.

  • Straight: Alice and Bob get into a fistfight with neither of them getting hurt from the constant punches.
  • Exaggerated: Alice punches Bob and does not hurt her hands even though he's wearing a suit of armor.
  • Downplayed: Alice simply slaps Bob and does not hurt her hand.
  • Justified:
    • Alice is Nigh-Invulnerable, so she really does have invulnerable knuckles. Or at least, nigh invulnerable knuckles.
    • Alice is using gloves.
    • Alice is punching in soft places.
    • Alice punched walls as part of her Training from Hell regimen to get those knuckles.
  • Inverted: Alice's knuckles are ridiculously vulnerable. She screams in pain from a single punch.
  • Subverted: Alice seems fine after punching Bob, but then the pain kicks in.
  • Double Subverted: She was pretending to be hurt to lure Bob in and take him down.
  • Parodied: Alice goes around, punching everything, including putting holes through walls when There Was a Door but suffers no ill effects.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice punches Bob and gets hurt. She goes to a fighting champion to learn the proper way to punch and comes back, punching Bob without injury. Then Bob goes off and learns a technique to take a punch. When they next meet, Bob uses a new technique, somehow making himself super tough so that Alice would hurt herself punching him.
  • Averted: Alice punches Bob and hurts her hand.
  • Enforced: The writers want an exciting, prolonged fistfight and the only way to do that is if the fighters continue to punch each other with no problems.
  • Lampshaded: "It's weird. The human skull is really hard but somehow, it doesn't hurt to punch someone."
  • Invoked: Bob tries to avoid getting punched, knowing Alice would hurt him and not bruise her knuckles.
  • Exploited: Alice punches Bob, knowing he will be feel it more than her.
  • Defied: Alice knows she could get hurt punching Bob so she wears gloves.
  • Discussed: Alice and Bob talk about punching people without getting hurt.
  • Conversed: "This movie is unrealistic. Those two have been punching each other so much, their fists should be bleeding and broken by now."
  • Implied: "She hammered Bob for hours. The only blood on he hands was his."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice starts to fight Bob but her hands get sore over the course of the fight.
    • Alice, after a particularly hard punch, the skin breaks on her fist, causing it to bleed.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Then adrenaline kicks in and she simply stops feeling pain.
    • Alice starts wearing Handwraps of Awesome to stop this mistake from happening again.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice punches Bob and he starts whining that his head hurts but her hand doesn't.
  • Played For Drama: Alice is so enraged, she doesn't feel pain or at least it doesn't bother her when she hits Bob.

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