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Playing With / Immortal Life Is Cheap

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Basic Trope: An immortal character being subjected to danger is considered no big deal.

  • Straight: John can respawn if he dies, and he is always assigned the most dangerous jobs.
  • Exaggerated: John's survival is considered the lowest priority job, and he is expected to be willing to die even to protect non-mission-critical equipment.
  • Downplayed:
    • John will willingly take a bullet for any of his squadmates because he can't really die.
    • They make sure to minimize pain at least when putting him in risky tasks. Decapitation or instant annihilation but using him as a human shield is never done.
  • Justified
  • Inverted: Because John is so valuable, he is protected from the pain of dying to keep him on the team, even at the cost of others' lives.
  • Subverted: Turns out John can actually die permamently, but only under specific circumstances.
  • Double Subverted: It turns out "die permanently" actually means "cannot revive on his own". With assistance, he's fine in no time.
  • Parodied: The squad at one point crosses a river by killing John several hundred times until his corpses block the flow.
  • Zig Zagged: While Bob cannot die he cannot recover any better than a normal human unless it would be near instantly fatal. His armor is even specifically designed to protect everything /except/ vital areas to protect him best.
  • Averted: Either John isn't immortal or his squadmates consider his safety just as highly as themselves.
  • Enforced: The writers want to show that John's squadmates are practical but not concerned about John's well-being.
  • Lampshaded: "If someone has to die, it is always me because dying doesn't kill me."
  • Invoked: It's John's idea to volunteer for suicide missions to spare any of his mortal teammates from having to risk their own lives. Even if his teammates would rather he not put himself in harm's way like that, he considers it part of his job in the team.
  • Exploited: Even enemies who would be concerned about having cause a death don't hold back against John.
  • Defied: John refuses to work with his squad if they keep getting him killed.
  • Discussed: A new member of the squad questions whether it's ethical to keep letting John get killed, and John and the old team members discuss their reasons with her.
  • Conversed: "If John's immortal, why do any of his teammates take any risks at all?"
  • Deconstructed:
    • John eventually turns on his squadmates for treating him so callously.
    • While John may recovery physically he becomes increasingly traumatized over dying repeatedly - he is not only personally a wreck but completely unable to assist the squad given that he can't even look at a butter knife without having a panic attack.
    • All of his resurrections cause John to grow indifferent to death as a whole, and begin to value his life, as well as those of other's, less.
  • Reconstructed:
    • It turns out his squadmates were distancing themselves so as not to go mad from watching their friend die over and over. John finds this out, and realizes that it is in fact much better and logical for him to undertake such dangerous jobs.
    • It turns out It Gets Easier applies to being killed instead of just killing others, and so John treats it like a mortal would breaking a limb. It's painful and definitely not something he wants to do but he gets over it. He can even use butter knives!
  • Played For Laughs:
    • John feels put-upon for having to die repeatedly but puts up with it anyway.
    • John is asked (or asks others for him) to die for increasingly minor or silly reasons.

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