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Playing With / Immortal Immaturity

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Basic Trope: Being immortal and infinite equals being immature and childish.

  • Straight: Bob stills plays with toys and has a childlike mentality despite being more than 100 years old.
  • Exaggerated: Bob is an eon old and still acts like a toddler.
  • Downplayed: Bob is 90 years old and still acts like a teenager.
  • Justified:
    • Bob became a cosmic entity as a kid, ergo he never had to face the consequences of being human, i.e., death and consequences.
    • Bob will never have to grow old, die, and look back on his life and ask what he has accomplished. He also never has to come to grips with his time running out.
    • Past a certain age and level of accomplishment, there is nothing left to do but enjoy existence. If he spent the rest of eternity striving to be more, he would never be happy.
    • Bob is a member of a species with Proportional Aging. While 100 may seem old to humans, in his species' years, he's only about 10.
  • Inverted: Bob is five years old and acts as if he's 100 and learned the ways of the world.
  • Subverted: Bob's childish behaviour is Obfuscating Stupidity. He's actually as wise and insightful as his age would allow.
  • Double Subverted: ...that is, only when he's with others. In private, he acts like a thumb-sucking toddler.
  • Parodied: The challenger defeats Bob through ways that a child would take seriously such as cooties, being in time-out for five minutes, and being put in Santa's naughty list.
  • Zig-Zagged: Bob collects toys, which is something many grown people do. He acts like he doesn't like girls, yet doesn't know if he likes women to begin with. He lives with his mom despite having a business of his own.
  • Averted: Being more than 100 years old, Bob acts his age.
  • Enforced: To avoid making Bob too threatening, they made him naïve and immature.
  • Lampshaded: "You know for a guy that's more a century old, you act like you're only ten."
  • Invoked: To appeal to kids and/or teens, Bob tries to act like them.
  • Exploited: See Parodied.
  • Defied: Bob chooses to act his age rather than have his immortality belied by acting like a child.
  • Discussed:
  • Conversed:
  • Implied: In the background of Bob's room, there's a collection of toys, wasted junk food all over the floor, and a "No Girls Allowed" sign on his door.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Because of Bob's childlike personality, no one takes him seriously when he's trying to be.
    • Alternatively, Bob is taking town down easily because he never took his job/goals seriously.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Bob finds likeminded people who do accept him for who he is.
    • Alternatively, Bob learns from his mistakes and grows through character development. He now knows when to act serious while keeping his childlike demeanor.
    • Bob acts childlike but not due to immaturity. His childlike personality is a result of wisdom and deep insight into the human condition. Bob has recognized that reducing one’s desires reduces suffering. As such, he has learned to find deep joy in the smallest things and is uninterested in money, sex, fame, etc. After centuries of meditation he has finally obtained long lasting happiness and views the simple act of existing as a gift.
  • Played for Laughs: The first thing Bob does when he comes to Earth is hijack all the cookies in the world.
  • Played for Drama: Bob kills people for fun because he's either bored and has nothing to do with his life or doesn't understand the full consequences of his actions.

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