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Playing With / Annoying Pop-Up Ad

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Basic Trope: A pop-up ad is used to annoy someone.

  • Straight: An ad for Party Crasher Inc. often shows up on sites at inopportune times, obscures most of the content on the site and takes some effort to close. Alice is irritated by it.
  • Exaggerated: There are several Party Crasher Inc. ad windows, the x button is camouflaged in with the ad, and it plays loud music until it is successfully closed, and even if Alice's device was muted, it is coded to automatically blast said loud music at full volume. Alice goes into an Unstoppable Rage.
  • Downplayed: An ad for Party Crasher Inc. shows up, but it's easy to close. Alice is mildly annoyed, but she closes it and goes on with her day.
  • Justified: Party Crasher Inc. is established to be a cheap company that relies on their ads being memorable in any way as opposed to simply making people want to buy the product, due to how advertising actually works.
  • Inverted: An ad for Party Crasher Inc. is funny, well-made and has a good soundtrack, and is completely non-intrusive. Alice is pleased by it and sits through that specific ad every time without skipping.
  • Subverted: ???
  • Double Subverted: ???
  • Parodied: The Party Crasher Inc. ad uses Epileptic Flashing Lights, Sex Sells, and Ridiculously Loud Commercial all at once. Due to the sheer suddenness of the ad, Alice suffers a Hollywood Heart Attack due to shock.
  • Zig-Zagged: The annoyance of Party Crasher Inc.'s ad is a love it or hate it kind of deal.
  • Averted: The ad is put somewhere where no-one really cares about it.
  • Enforced: The annoying pop-up ad is used as a game mechanic meant to cause this effect on the player.
  • Lampshaded: "Gee, I hate these damn pop-ups!"
  • Exploited: Party Crasher Inc. is actually a psychological research company which is doing an experiment regarding pop-up ads, collecting data from the users' reactions (like if they close the site, click x, or actually click the ad).
  • Defied: Alice installs an adblocker.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Invoked: ???
  • Deconstructed: Due to how annoying Party Crasher Inc.'s ad is, Alice forgets to send an important message to the president, leaving them defenseless against an attack from a foreign country's military.

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