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Nightmare Fuel / Zap Dramatic

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  • Helen's scream just comes out of nowhere.
  • When Bridget's mother comes to the door with her shotgun.
  • The selected works of Erik Satie in the Ambition soundtrack are eerie.
  • There is a horrible clicking, grinding noise just before some jump scares.
  • In "The Suspects" when you are searching Angie's apartment and trying to concentrate in what is supposed to be a static environment, Mrs. Tart suddenly pops in.
  • Some of the artwork is trippy in an unsettling way:
    • When you give Ted the psychological assessment and he starts the monologue over the unraveling of truth, the illustrations are both humorous and disturbing.
    • Ted's apartment looks like a cheap motel where some shady deals go down.
    • The strangely-drawn stenographer in the courtroom in Episode 10. It's more funny than scary, though, seeing as Gibson didn't bother finishing his face. (If you look closely, you can see he's resting his head on his hand, but he's still rather bizarre-looking.)
  • In "Interview with A Vagabond", the title character murders the player's character if the correct dialogue isn't used.
  • In Move or Die, Mrs. Grimm's piranha's are actually rather intimidating despite the amateurish art that plagues all of Gibson's games, due to the fact that their bulging eyes and massive teeth are pretty much the only things that are visible in complete darkness.
  • At the end of the first part in Sir Basil's Public High School, the overweight girl gets into a camper van with a suspicious fellow. He is later revealed to be her father.
