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Nightmare Fuel / Through the Woods

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The Game

Be wary, as the following page contains unmarked spoilers.

  • The whole atmosphere in the Forest. Creatures hiding in the woods, abandoned villages. The few people you meet are terrified and chase you away before you can talk to them. In some of the villages, fresh corpses are lying around or hanging from the ceiling. The whole place screams "old, dead world".
  • At one point while exploring the waterfront, the player will come across an abandoned shack with perfect view of the lake. If they look out at the lake, they'll notice what looks like a small island with bright, glowing eyes, slowly coming closer. It eventually goes under the water and disappears completely, and this is the last you see of it. In the shack, there's a book describing the Nøkk, a water dweller who would drown the unweary. Nothing Is Scarier at its finest.
  • By the end of the game, the sun has started to rise. You'd think this would mean the game got less scary, right? Nope, because it gives you a full view of the mountain turning into the jaws of Fenris.
