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Nightmare Fuel / The Revenge of Frankenstein

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  • The Body Horror Karl slowly experiences after his brain is damaged in the altercation with the janitor is just horrifying. At first, it seems that he is only just reverting back to his original hunchbacked condition as feared earlier by Hans but dismissed by Frankenstein. Then, towards the end, it gets worse as he gradually devolves into a brutal savage with homicidal tendencies, his face warped into a permanently twisted mask of agony.
  • The scene where the two graverobbers come to dig up Frankenstein's grave to sell his corpse to a client. They successfully unearth the coffin and open it. The pair are aghast not to find Frankenstein as they expected but the body of a beheaded priest instead. One of them runs away in terror while the other, Fritz, remains thinking that he'll still get his pay for a body. As he moves to lift the body out of the coffin, an unseen person greets him. He leaps up to face the man, who casually introduces himself as Baron Frankenstein. Overwhelmed with horror, Fritz slowly and agonizingly suffers a heart attack and crumples to the ground dead.
  • After he is unmasked as Baron Frankenstein, Victor resumes work instead of running as Hans suggested. The patients at the pauper hospital as well as the caretaker all respond to his arrival with a stoic, coldly tense demeanour with distrust and anger clearly written on their faces. Frankenstein calmly ignores this and goes to tend to one of them. The patient refuses his care and accuses the doctor of being a murderer. Two glass bottles are then hurled at Frankenstein from behind. Unnerved, he begins to leave but is barred by some of the other patients. One patient then rises up from his bed behind him, raising a crutch and clubs the doctor to the floor. The patients proceed to kick and beat the hell out of Frankenstein. Hans and an orderly arrive quickly to intervene but by the time they put a stop to things, Frankenstein is already a bloody and broken mess.
