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Nightmare Fuel / Technobabylon

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  • Regis and Lao's meeting with Giel. They arrive to find his partner shot dead in an indoor jacuzzi and Giel himself torn to pieces and splattered all over the bedroom. Eventually they find out what happened: Giel drank wine spiked with powerful hallucinogens and shot his partner thinking he was some kind of monster, then screamed at his robot maid that something's inside him and she needs to get it out. With the maid's safeties disabled, she complied. Graphically.
  • The "human resources" trojan that can hijack your brain, force you to fly to Greater Han and turn you into an obedient sweatshop worker. Though the scene with a victim being only partially hijacked by one, with the trojan posing as an obviously fake version of him in Trance while trying to browbeat the real victim into submission with propagandist slogans, is played for comedy, the implications for a total hijacking are pretty horrific.
  • The fact there's enough of a demand to create a high scale restaurant (chain?) which serves the rich cloned human meat. They may be born without brains but it's meant to be a power trip for the super-rich.
  • After deducing the accomplice responsible for the bomb attack on the restaurant, you have a choice in who you finger. The guilty party is Councillor Deane, who confessed to you in private hoping you would understand he did so to protect his family and the city. If you reveal him guilty, instead of the career criminal Ran Shou-man, you get to watch as Nina orders the guards to pick Deane up, and toss him screaming in horror out the very window bombed out by the blast. No justice here.
    Nina: "Poor dear Councillor Deane. Tragically thrown from the building by the blast."
