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Nightmare Fuel / Splinter Cell

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  • Sam Fisher discovers files in Nikoladze's office that tell about the invasion he's conducting in Azerbaijan, with massacres of civilians.
  • The Police Station mission, where your mission is to investigate the morgue for the missing agents. In another part of the station we see a mercenary tortured to death and left to rot from his interrogation; apparently this kind of cruelty is not uncommon among these guys during that era.
  • Grinko himself, a former Spetsnaz officer who his personal driver mentions will gladly murder him if he steps out of line.
  • The Abattoir mission; U.S. and Chinese hostages facing execution at any moment, with Sam Fisher as their only hope.
  • The Paranoia Fuel of knowing Nikoladze plans to detonate a dirty bomb somewhere in the U.S.
