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Nightmare Fuel / Qiang Jin Jiu

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  • The book gets off to a cheerful start when Shen Zechuan is tortured only a few paragraphs into the first chapter. Then after the torture he wakes up to find he's being slowly crushed to death.
  • Feng Quan gets people to pour boiling soup over a donkey and cut out chunks of its flesh while it's still alive, then tries to force Shen Zechuan to eat the donkey's meat while the poor animal brays in agony. The worst part? This is a real dish!
  • Shen Zechuan does something to Ji Lei. What he did isn't described, but earlier he threatened to feed Ji Lei to the dogs... and after he leaves Ji Lei's body is in such a horrible state that Xi Hongxuan vomits when he sees it...
