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Nightmare Fuel / Nanny McPhee

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  • Nurse Matilda/Nanny McPhee’s initial appearance as described by Christiana Brand:
    She was very ugly — the ugliest person you ever saw in your life! Her hair was scraped into a bun, sticking straight out at the back of her head like a teapot handle; and her face was very round and wrinkly, and she had eyes like two little black boot-buttons. And her nose! - she had a nose like two potatoes. She wore a rusty black dress right up to the top of her neck and right down to her button boots, and a rusty black jacket and a rusty black bonnet, all trimmed with trembly black jet, with her teapot-handle of a bun sticking out at the back. And she carried a small brown case and a large black stick, and she had a very fierce expression indeed on her wrinkly, round, brown face.
  • The moment when Aggie looks like she'll go in the stew. Sure, she didn't actually go in the stew, but the chicken boiling up... Probably rates a What the Hell, Hero?, considering the sister will have to remember how she was almost forced to boil a baby alive.
    • Same for the entire sequence. The children nearly blew up Cook, in addition to nearly boiling Aggy.

  • The wriggly black goo Nanny McPhee gives to the children as "measles medicine".
    • On the commentary, it's revealed that the prop medicine was relatively mundane and tasted pretty good so the kids naturally freaked out in disgust when they saw the movie version.
