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Nightmare Fuel / Modern Family

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  • Barkley the dog butler mannequin, who through a series of coincidences appears to be seducing and eventually marrying Jay. Gloria calls it "el diablo."
    • Gloria later finds a dog maid mannequin in a store and tries to hide it from Jay so he wouldn't buy it.
  • In-universe, the Dunphy's house on Halloween.
    • Especially the prank Claire played that made the Dunphy house a neighborhood pariah on Halloween. In a few words: Thrusts a bloody, beating heart out of her stomach and vomits copious amounts of blood. It actually caused an investigation and allegedly gave a man a heart attack and made him piss himself in terror.
  • Even though it was played for laughs, Claire's haunting of Phil in the open house is pretty damn creepy.
  • Phil (unintentionally) killing a nest of baby crows in "Farm Strong." The mother crow perching herself above the front door doesn't help matters.
  • Apparently, Gloria wanted a daughter back when Manny was a baby, and she dressed Manny up as a girl to pretend she had one. She didn't want to "mess with his mind," though, so her explanation when Manny saw the pictures? "Manny had a baby twin sister who died".
  • The Stinger for “White Christmas” (with Luke encountering a ghost offscreen) is Played for Laughs, but the accompanying music is… unsettling, to say the least.
  • Beth, Andy's Bitch in Sheep's Clothing girlfriend who when alone with Haley, gave several Implied Death Threats toward her. At one point, she sets Haley's hair on fire. The worst part is that no one believes Haley because she acts like an angel around everyone else.
    • Beth goes to Haley after the above incident, keeping up with the sweetheart act, and tells Haley she left "something in her car" to make her feel better. Haley, clearly assuming it's a bomb, hands her keys to Luke and asks him to start the car for her. The talking head that directly follows is Haley (albeit rather defensively) assuring the audience Luke is fine, but the fact that she was willing to let her little brother get blown up, and that we don't know what Beth did to the car, is unsettling.
  • In "Good Cop, Bad Dog" Phil and Claire agree to trade roles so she can be the "fun" parent and he can be the disciplinarian. Let's just say, Phil's idea of the "Bad Cop" parent got a little... intense. He actually called his daughters monsters.
  • Luke getting hit by lightning, followed by the reveal that it's happened before and the rest of the family covered it up.
    • Luke actually didn't get hit the second time, but still...
  • Any time Cameron dresses up as a clown.
  • Gloria losing her shit when her house gets egged on in "Open House of Horrors". It's played for laughs, but Sofia Vergara's delivery makes this a truly nightmarish thing to think about: you, trying to do harmless pranks on Halloween, only to see a psycho housewife chase after you, shouting death threats.
