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Nightmare Fuel / Deep Red

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Hell Yes. Extremely violent scenes and scary, paranoia inducing background.
  • The doll. Good lord the doll. The worst thing about it is that it has very little context. It just... shows up. The only context is that the killer has a fascination with creepy dolls and uses them as a calling card to scare the victims and in that case used it to distract the target.
  • Amanda having her head repeatedly dunked into a tub of boiling water.
  • Giordani's murder. The killer grabs him by the back of his head, and forces him teeth-first into the corner of a piano, before driving a knife into his neck.
  • Carlo's death. Being dragged by a truck, slammed against a sidewalk, and having your head crushed by a wheel is not a pleasant way to go.
  • Martha's horrific doom, complete with Gory Discretion Shot.
