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Nightmare Fuel / BioShock: Rapture

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  • The Start of Darkness for Rapture and many of its inhabitants is quite disturbing. Notably Tenenbaum with her description of hosting ADAM producing sea slugs inside of children and her complete disregard for the adults subjects she killed for her experiments which disgusts even Fontaine at first.
    Tenenbaum: “We try adults already. Two subjects. They sickened and died. Screaming—very noisy. Irritating. One of them reached to me…” She looked in wonder at her hand. “Tried to hold on to my hand. Begging, take it out, take it out of me… But children! Ah—it likes to be in children. The sea slug is happy there.”
    Fontaine: “It’s happy… in children? Well—how’s it work exactly?”
    Tenenbaum: “We implant sea slug in lining of child’s stomach. The sea slug bonds with cells, becomes symbiotic with human host. After host feeds, we induce regurgitation, and then we have twenty, thirty times more yield of usable ADAM.”
    Fontaine: “And how do you know it works so good on kids?” (Dr. Suchong answered him as he pushed a gurney into the room)
    Suchong: “Suchong and Tenenbaum experiment on this child!” {(Stretched out on the gurney was what appeared to be a sleeping child, a rather ordinary little white girl in a dressing gown, strapped to the wheeled hospital bed. She was perhaps six years old. Her eyes opened—she looked up at him sleepily, gave him a distant, fuzzy smile. Drugged)
  • The way Rupert Mudge murders his wife over an argument against him using Plasmids with her money. More specifically, after he overdoses on Sports Boost, giving a superpowered version of roid rage.
    Narrator: She was tugging at the door handle. Rupert Mudge turned, seized the icebox, lifted it up, spun around—and threw it at her. Funny how light it seemed in his hands… And funny too, how fragile she turned out to be. She had seemed like a real terror, sometimes. A little ball of fury. But now, just a big wet red splash all over the rusty metal door. And the wall. And the floor. And the ceiling. And a head all by itself, facing into the corner…
    • Oh, and whats Ruperts reaction once he realizes what he's done? That he's in trouble because she paid the rent! That's all! He rushes off to Fontaine, already looking to make money for his next Plasmid hit, implying that he's already degenerated into a Splicer, possibly the first one.
  • The way Rapture society begins to fray at the edges long before the civil war breaks out, almost as soon as it's finished in fact. For all of Ryan's lofty ideals, the cutthroat, unrestrained capitalism doesn't inspire people to work harder, it just lets the worst, greediest and most ruthless individuals take almost everything for themselves. Slums begin to form, garbage piles up, infrastructure begins to decay, and unlike the surface world, the poor can't just leave and try their luck somewhere else, making a collapse inevitable. Even the rich of Rapture don't have it all that great, as it's all a Gilded Cage; no matter how much money they have, there's only so many places to go and so many people to meet. Plasmids and ADAM just sped up the inevitable.
  • The New Year's Eve Massacre of 1959.
  • Sander Cohen and Martin Finnegan murdering three innocent people. Even before that the two went on a drunken trip to Arcadia and forced a teenage boy to have sex with an octopus.
  • Dr. Steinman operating on a splicer woman he's bought off from the local authorities after he's gone mad. He rips her face off.
  • Harold Babcock and his wife getting electrocuted in a plasmid fight. Their deaths are described as followed:
    Narrator: Onlookers screamed as Babcock and his wife went rigid. The two of them were doing an absurd little dance together, locked in a fatal embrace as the current raged through them, sparking blue from their bared teeth. Mrs. Babcock’s hair stood on end; her dress caught fire… Their eyes smoked and then boiled out of their heads. Their faces contorted. The charge burst and sparks flew into the walls and floor as Mr. and Mrs. Babcock, flesh fused in a grotesque mock of marriage, fell in a limp, smoldering heap.
  • The experimental plasmid subject created by Tenenbaum and Suchong when first testing Plasmids; a twisted blob-mass of flesh and random body parts. Fontaine is so disturbed by it he has the subject and its cell burned.
    Narrator:“We try to mix some genes from sea creatures with human,” Suchong was saying. “Give man powers of certain animals. But…” The musty, ill-lit rectangular chamber was about thirty-five feet by thirty, but it seemed smaller because of the shifting heap of the thing that dominated it. Clinging to the walls opposite Fontaine was something that might’ve once been human. It was as if someone had taken human flesh and made it as malleable as clay—bones and flesh made pliable—and plastered it onto the wall. Beaded with sweat, the mass of human flesh seemed to simply cling there, spread over two walls and a corner. A bloated face muttered to itself, at the center of the creature, near the ceiling; several human organs were exposed, including a heart and kidneys, damp and quivering, dangling like meat in a butchery from crust-edged gaps in its body, the creature’s big limbs…
  • The whole situation with the Little Sisters being essentially captured, experimented, and used as ADAM factories is explained in horrifying detail as an idea masterminded by Dr. Tenenbaum and Fontaine with help of some of Rapture's dirty cops and his orphanage. There's also implied cases of Little Sisters being sold and used as sex slaves by some residents of Rapture such as Sander Cohen and ripped apart by Splicers to feed on their ADAM later in the story. Just shows how Rapture, a society without supposed laws or even restraints, is a Hell on Earth for any unlucky child that ends up there.
    • The situation of kidnapping by cops also extends to adults as Splicers and Non-Splicers alike are kidnapped by cops and killed by some of Rapture's most depraved residents in exchange for bribes.
