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Heartwarming / The Last Continent

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  • Rincewind is a racist - as in, a man who's run every race there has been. He is certainly and sincerely not a man who judges people by racial traits.
  • Bursar watching the Creator draw.
    It was, as he remembered later, whenever he was in a state to remember anything, one of the happiest times of his life.
  • Rincewind digging for water for a herd of sheep. For once, he does something completely selfless; it's extremely hard work and there's nothing in it for him if he succeeds, beyond knowing he didn't leave a bunch of animals to die of thirst.
  • Death dropping in for a casual visit with Rincewind. It seems that after being confounded by him for so long, he's actually developed some affection for him.
  • Rincewind actually comes to like XXXX. Generally in his adventures throughout his world, most of the Discworld has been lethal and unfriendly to him. In comparison everybody is fairly affable to him (even the warders who have to hang him). It actually gives him enough desire and drive to work out the solution to bring rain to XXXX.
  • Most of the XXXX citizens that Rincewind meets in his journey meet him at the end of the novel and thank him for helping them out.
    • Bill Rincewind promises to "send a card at Hogswatch, and clothing that doesn't fit." Aww.
  • Rincewind finally going home in the end, without incident.
