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Heartwarming / Tales of Innocence

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  • Luca/Ruca gets injured by an enemy, and when he wakes up, Spada just hugs him out of relief and is sincerely glad he's alive. In the original game, he hugs him just once, but in the remake he hugs him multiple times. Ange has to scold Sparda and tell him that he shouldn't do that to injured people. It's sweet to see how worried he was considering the way he loves giving Luca/Ruca a ribbing, and sometimes being outright a jerk to him along with Iria.
    • "You're one of my boys."
  • When Ruca gets injured, everyone's standing around panicking, but Ricardo manages to take charge and get the group back to their senses, telling Ange to start healing artes and everyone else to gather whatever materials they can to make a stretcher.
  • While Ruca is unconscious after being injured, Asura talks to him encouragingly, telling him not to give up.
  • Ange giving Hermana a hug because she remembers all of the loneliness Hermana's previous life Vrtra felt when Asura was gone.
  • Cero, Bero and Shian used to be Cerberus, an adorable and tiny three-headed dog who loved to chew on things.
  • After Ruca has a breakdown in the sky dungeon, he is lying injured in the desert, and Shian helps him get to a town despite also being injured himself. They spend the next few scenes together awkwardly getting to know each other despite having only fought up until that point.
