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Heartwarming / Camp Lazlo: Where's Lazlo?

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  • Lazlo pulling the pinecones out of the bear's nose and comforting him and even brings it back to his cabin to comfort it.
  • After finding out that Edward lied about "saving Lazlo" and that the brown bear was "black", Raj and Clam discover that Lazlo is possibly still alive and the brave Clam sets out to find Lazlo, along with an already scared Raj, now that's true friendship!
  • Lazlo returning to Camp Kidney and comforts Fluffy the bear and reuniting with Raj and Clam and they get cheered in the end, now that's a happy ending!
  • After spending the movie being a complete douche, Edward, without hesitation removed the pinecones from Fluffy's nose after he asked him to do it in the end.
