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Headscratchers / Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July

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  • Frosty and Crystal have children! do snow people procreate? Did they make them and bring them to life? Magic? Um...
    • In Frosty's Winter Wonderland, Crystal is built by the children, but the thing that ends up actually bringing Crystal to life is a gesture of love from Frosty. With that in mind, they probably did something similar when making the kids. Build them, then bring them to life with a gesture of love.
  • Why did Winterbolt's plan to deglow Rudolph's nose work? It was said Rudolph would lose it if he used it for an evil act. However, to do something evil, it needs to be done with intent. Rudolph using his nose to get the money wasn't evil; he thought he was helping safe-guard the money and doing what Lorraine wanted.
    • I just had a thought; what if the evil deed wasn't the stealing, but the lie? He learned ahead of Winterbolt's revelations that Lorraine didn't know anything about the money, but instead of immediately saying what happened, he was too focused on helping Frosty to set things straight, thus continuing the lie. He then agreed to continue to lie and take the blame, and while it was good in that it kept Frosty alive, it was also bad in that it was helping Winterbolt take over the world and because lying is bad. There's also the fact that Rudolph could still shine his nose right after the crime (right at the end of the circus, before the fireworks), which would kind of show that it wasn't the crime itself that was the cause of Rudolph's nose loss, but the lies around it that did.
    • While it may seem like Fridge Brilliance for how he got it back later, it doesn't explain why his nose couldn't glow between the theft and confronting Winterbolt. The Fridge Brilliance comes in and when you remember why Rudolph couldn't clear his name in the first place: Frosty and his family and Winterbolt's amulets that were about to be deactivated and let them melt. If Rudolph's nose hadn't gone out, Winterbolt would have no reason to keep the amulets working and the Frostys become puddles. Remember, a wizard (even if that's not the completely correct term) DID make Rudolph's glow in the first place. It probably foresaw what could happen either way and made Rudolph suffer temporarily until he needed his nose to get Frosty's hat back. At that time, the magic probably foresaw that, no matter what happened:
      • A.) it was better than letting Frosty's legacy getting tarnished by playing part in starting an army
      • B.) it knew Santa would make it in time to get the Frostys back to the North Pole (and Big Ben getting Jack Frost)
      • C.) Both A and B
  • When Lady Boreal gave baby Rudolph's nose its glow, she said that if he ever used it for evil, it would be extinguished forever. She said nothing about the glow coming back if he redeemed himself. Yet when it happens, everyone seems to know straight away that if he redeems himself (e.g. by admitting that he was tricked into helping to steal the circus's money and exposing the real culprits, or, as it turns out, by getting Frosty's magic hat back), the glow will come back. Why is that?
  • Why, when Winterbolt died, did he become a tree? Nothing about trees was brought up until that moment.
  • In Frosty's Winter Wonderland Crystal at one point was able to make Frosty live without his hat by kissing him. Why didn't she kiss him again in this special when she saw his inanimate form?
  • Why does Frosty suddenly have an orange hat in this special? Is it possible he got it dyed sometime after "Frosty's Winter Wonderland"?'
    • It seems to be just Inconsistent Coloring, because even the flashback to the day Frosty was built and first came to life shows the hat as orange.
