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Headscratchers / LA By Night

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  • How does Jasper feed exclusively on his fellow Kindred without becoming Blood Bound?
    • I'm not familiar with the 5th edition ruling, but Jasper possibly has a few different sources that he rotates as to not becoming blood bond. Or, in earlier editions, there's a merit that makes someone immune to blood bonds, which he may have. Finally, I believe that there are rituals to make one immune to blood bonds, and as Jasper has Blood Sorcery, he may know that particular trick. (Edit - I now have a copy of 5th edition, there is a merit to make yourself immune to blood bonds).
    • Season 3 epilogues have explained this: Jasper Embraces people he feels should be removed from the mortal population, (rapists, abusers, serial killers, etc.) and then feeds off the resultant Kindred until they are dead. Suffice it to say that his course of action is extremely risky on multiple fronts.
  • How has no one noticed Vannevar Thomas is losing it in Season 2?
    • Because the turn in his sanity had not yet become pronounced enough to act upon, not with Strauss and Suzanne running the show. This changes in Season 3, after Therese has had enough private meetings with Vannevar for Dementation to kick in.
