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Headscratchers / House on Haunted Hill (1999)

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As a Headscratchers subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • If Evelyn's guest list was shredded, and her lover Blackburn was not a descendant of one of the survivors, then how did he come to be there with an invitation?
    • He told her he never got the invitation, she assumed a screw-up, and had it sent out.
  • Is it more than a coincidence that of the people who survived the house, one was an impostor and the other was adopted? Was the house more willing to let them go because they were not blood relatives of the original survivors of the asylum?
    • Quite likely. Notice that in the film, Eddie escapes because Pritchett's ghost intervenes, and that happened right after Eddie screamed that he was adopted.
