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Funny / The Roboutian Heresy

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  • Just like in Canon 40k, there is something amusing in seeing Ciaphas Cain's despair at being pushed into more and more dangeous situations and accidental successes.
    • We start off with him lamenting that he is being sent straight to Cadia to raise morale, which was probably Amberley's idea if Cain's message from Two Minutes To Midnight is any indication.
    • After vanishing Korahael his only remark is that someone will eventually find a way to pin the enire thing on him.
    • While he only shoots his laspistol during a battle with the Dark Angels to maintain morale he ends up being the one who scored the first kill by pure accident, shooting a laser straight into one of the Chaos Marine's eyes and boiling his brain.
  • The fact that the Emperor's arrival on Nostramo unintentionally blinded part of the populace of the planet literally due to his grandeur, light generating arrival on the perpetually night Hive World.
