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Funny / Rune Factory 5

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  • Martin's event starts with Ares/Alice catching him naming one of his tools unaware someone is hearing. When he does realize they were listening the poor guy is mortified.
  • One of the story events has an earthquake happening in Rigbarth. As you go check on everyone you meet up with Ryker and Palmo who's with Martin. Ryker complains he bumped his head with the scare only for Martin to jab him saying he probably was asleep. Palmo (cheerfully) confirms much to Ryker's embarrassement.
  • After befriending Fuuka she will sniff Ares/Alice and say she memorized their scent. This makes them wonder if they actually smell bad.
  • Sometimes when you start up the game Heinz can say in the title screen: "Rune Factory Frontier... Oops, wrong game!"
  • One of Cecil's random dialogue, when you have high FP with him, is him asking you to hang out with him with a very awkward pick-up line. Even Ares/Alice notes how completely out of character this is for him.
  • At Misasagi's birthday she will wonder if Ares/Alice will ask her age... And both wisely decide not to, thinking to themselves that would be too risky.
  • Lucas' "Divine Punishment?" event has a scammer who fooled Randolph into buying one of his fake gems. Irritated at the fact Lucas decide to make use of his so-called miracles in order to punish the miscreant... By teleporting a pebble so it falls right on his head. The dude is so scared by the experience thinking the heavens is angry at him he has an instant change of heart.
  • Livia is very sure that the Silo is basically monster-proof. How so? Because Darroch once ran straight into it and the Silo was just fine.
  • During one of Hina's conversations she may ask Ares/Alice if one day she's going to look like her mother, including the way Misasagi makes "people around her blush". Cue to Ares/Alice very quickly Changing The Uncomfortable Subject with a headpat.
  • If you're dating Scarlett one of her dialogues is being a full-blown Tsundere completely with a "not doing this because of you" only for Ares/Alice wonder why the heck she's talking like that... Scarlett then explains she thought this is how the heroine from a book she borrowed from Priscilla talked to her Love Interest. It's as funny as it is adorable.
  • The second part of the "King's Game" event. Ludmila, Ryker, Heinz and Beatrice are about to play when Ares/Alice decides to join in. Everything starts as normal until it's revealed Ludmila set the game up so she'd become the Queen and get closer to Ares/Alice with Ryker being her partner in crime. Things starts to get out of hand when Reinhard decides to butt in and take Beatrice's place and it gets even more awkward when Reinhard gets the order to feed Ares/Alice, which Ludmila expects him to chicken out, but Beatrice had to remind to Reinhard that a "monarch orders are absolute" and he steels himself for the embarrassing task... Until Simone arrives seeing the mess Ludmila caused and prohibiting the King's Game through a mayoral decree.
  • If the player marries Martin, Cecil thanks Ares/Alice for marrying him and confesses he was worried that Martin's workaholic behavior would prevent him from settling down someday and even calls him wooly-headed. Ares/Alice promises to take care of him, and Martin chews them out for embarrassing him.
