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Funny / NCIS: Hawaiʻi

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Season 1


  • At the end of the episode, Jesse is awarded a pillow by the Paniolo ranch just to help with pain on his okole.note 


  • Torres decides to "clear the air" with the team, stating he knows the "rumors going around" of him and Jane on a mission years ago. He says it was nothing intimate, nothing untoward, no truth to the talk of them base-jumping Cinderella's Castle at Walt Disney World and there's a reason behind her weird nickname. It's only after he stops and sees their blank looks that Torres realizes no one in the Hawaii field office had heard any of this. Jane looks ready to sink through the floor after killing Torres.

Season 2

Prisoners' Dilemma

  • The team needs to defuse a bomb and wait for their past bomb expert contact Boom Boom. He's busy, so up comes his female fill-in whose nickname is..."Bam Bam." When Kai laughs and asks if she's serious, she stares at him, perfectly flat-faced, in turn asks if she looks like she's joking. He can't tell.
  • Lucy and Kate delving into Sickening Sweethearts throughout the episode.

Desperate Measures

  • Kai reveals that he hangs out at bars. And the implication that he got into fistfights while in the Marine Corps.

Deep Fake

  • Whistler is being held at gunpoint by Callen, who is subsequently held at gunpoint from behind by Kai. Callen figures out who Kai is, and they briefly reminisce about one of their shared instructors.

Season 3

Run and Gun

Into Thin Air

  • Needing a favor from Ernie, Sam tries to get the top item on his "wish list" of some very rare sensual oils. When he hands it over, Ernie seems confused, and when Sam tells him off the list, Ernie laughs that he never wanted anything on the list; he just threw together a batch of impossible-to-get items "just so people will leave me alone!" He and Sam are both amazed Sam actually got his hands on the oil.
