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Funny / Mythical Kitchen

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Many moments. Josh and Emily's dynamic together is particularly hilarious.

  • Because they're not allowed to actually consume alcohol on camera, a Running Gag Josh and Emily have when they cook with alcohol is to pretend to drop something, and duck out of frame to "look for it," while sneaking a nip.
  • Another Running Gag during the Myth Munchers episodes are Josh's poster-board presentations on nonsensical topics that bear only a passing relevance (at best) to the subject of the episode. As part of his bizarre attempt to make Gordon Ramsay his Sitcom Archnemesis, Josh claims to have founded a production company staffed entirely by raccoons, and will display a company hierarchy chart consisting of pictures of raccoons with Punny Names. A highlight is his Director of Human Resources, Chandra Notapanda (pronounced No-TAH-pan-dah).
  • At the beginning of the Fancy Fast Food episode where they try to fancy up Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte, Josh and Emily have this conversation in the car outside of a Starbuck's:
    Josh: When was the last time you had one of these?
    Emily: This is my first one ever, actually.
    Josh: Really? I'm surprised. I thought this was part of your...erm...
    Emily: My what? My culture? ::laughing:: My White Lady Culture? That's a stereotype and I don't appreciate it!
  • In the Meals Of History episode where Josh attempts to recreate an Ancient Roman pizza recipe, Josh does a quick recap of the history of pizza. Emily gets distracted partway through his recap by the confusing and vaguely-suggestive stone carving of a Roman baker he's displaying (it looks for all the world like he's sporting an erection twice his size). Later on in the episode, Emily cosplays as Julia Agrippina, infamous mother of Nero who allegedly murdered her way through the imperial family to ensure her son's place on the throne, and legitimately creeps Josh out several times.
    Josh: You remind me of that one contestant on every season of The Bachelor who deliberately acts crazy so she can stay on the show longer.
    Emily ::Slasher Smile::: Can I steal you for a second?
    Josh: Agh no!
  • Recreating a typical Roman gladiator meal apparently requires Josh to butcher Maximus's speech from Gladiator and Emily to cosplay as the Ancient Roman equivalent of an MMA Bro. The meal itself, which includes garum, jellyfish, and a primitive energy drink composed of burnt vegetable ash, finally breaks Emily:
    Josh: Come on, don't you wanna be a big tough gladiator, boy?
  • While testing chocolate chip cookie baking myths, Trevor gets genuinely pissed off at Josh for trying to say the creaming method is not necessary for a good cookie.
    Trevor: And that's why your cookies suck.
  • For the "Best Burger" competition, Josh and Trevor decide, for whatever reason, to wear crop-tops and tight jean shorts during their segment. A one point in the segment the director calls for a stop to take care of Josh's, erm, wardrobe malfunction.
  • During the "Busting Grilling Myths" episode, Trevor slips into his native Idaho accent during his segment. His accent becomes more pronounced as the episode goes on, until by the end he's almost incomprehensible.
  • At the beginning of the "Aprons Off" episode where the chefs bring in their typical childhood school lunch, Nicole very confidently declares that she is going to "white guilt the hell out of" Josh and Trevor. Then Josh tells the story of being raised by a mentally-ill mother and an unemployed father, and produces his impoverished childhood lunch of bologna sandwich and blue Teenie drink. Legitimately on the verge of tears, Nicole gives him half her lunch in sympathy.
