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Funny / Kamikakushi

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  • Some of the chapter titles. For example, the second chapter is called "You should have thought of that before you got eaten".
  • The Senju think Tobirama's odd behavior is due to puberty, resulting in Butsuma wondering if he needs to have a talk with his younger son, to Tobirama's horror.
    • Hashirama later concludes Tobirama is hitting his rebellious stage.
  • When Tobirama meets Higanbana, the koto-furunushi formed from Elder Akahiko's koto, it sticks it's tongue out at him.
  • Otsuno has never met a cat that likes him. Even though he always waits for invitations before petting, he always gets clawed.
  • Tobirama's Sage Training had him wishing dearly to destroy the Training Staff. Otsuno hid it after a few attempts. As a broom.
  • Tobirama takes Otsuno's statement "The omukade are restless” literally.
  • Botan's method of distracting the Crane Woman from Tobirama. He licks him, getting his ectoplasm in his hair. The horrified Crane Woman promptly throws herself at Botan shrieking.
    Tobirama: “I’m blaming you for this, Shishou!”
    Otsuno:“Yeah, I’ll give you that one.”
  • When Otsuno refuses to allow Tobirama to join the Crane Wives on a raid on the Onikuma, the only explanation he'll give is “That way lies bad ideas, and baldness.”
  • Apparently Izuna has a habit of monologuing during katas.
  • The Sarumura innkeeper's reaction to seeing Tobirama again. Actually, just the innkeeper in general.
  • Tobirama's thoughts on Osafumi's reaction to Botan and Fox-Izuna. "He hadn’t known you could induce that kind of panic in an Uchiha with anything less than a broken sword, a ring of explosive seals, and a jar of sake."
  • The antics of the Kodoma after Tobirama sneezes while collecting firewood.
  • Izuna's dramatic tendencies. From making dramatic pauses in his speech, to flipping up onto the ceiling when he could just wall-walk - he is very dramatic.
  • Churippu tries to strange the Kodama enthusiastically. Their contradicting statements, one being happy and wanting cuddles, the other murderous only adds to the humor.
  • Botan suggests eating Butsuma.
  • Butsuma finds out Tobirama's possessions survived the fire. Including the bed (Botan).
  • Hashirama and Butsuma are aware that Tobirama's bed (Botan) isn't in his room. They wonder if he takes it everywhere. Hasirama pouts over the fact Tobirama says the bed is more reliable than him.


Pandafleur's tumblr has some very amusing entries.
  • One entry has Tobirama turning to a dragon in front of Izuna and Izuna screaming, prompting Tobirama to sit on him.
  • The string of posts where Izuna finds out that tsukumogami are fairly common and freaks out, becoming paranoid that family heirlooms are telling Tobirama stuff. At one point, he's yelling that they need to burn all the trees. Right after Madara mentions him accusing the furniture of being traitors.
  • The posts where Izuna kidnaps Tobirama so he can find and exorcise some strange presence. The original post mentions an Akimichi Taijima has invited for secret discussion being the culprit. Tobirama finds Zetsu. Uchiha freak out upon finding his discovery. The exchange between the Gate Guard and Butsuma is also amusing.
