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Funny / Citizen Kane

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  • Kane hires a furniture removal carriage to bring all his belongings to the Inquirer's office. The driver points out there are no bedrooms in the office.
    Mr. Bernstein: You're getting paid, mister, for opinions or for hauling?
  • When Kane and Leland arrive at the Inquirer, Mr. Carter mistakes Leland for Kane. Kane tries to correct him, but Carter still misunderstands and thinks Kane is Leland. Leland is visibly grinning at the confusion.
  • Mr. Carter tries to argue with Kane, but gets constantly interrupted by Bernstein, Leland and the hired worker carrying Kane's belongings into his new bedroom (which used to be Mr. Carter's office).
  • Leland has some questions.
    Leland: Bernstein, am I a stuffed shirt? Am I a horse-faced hypocrite? Am I a New England schoolmarm?
    Bernstein: Yes.
