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Funny / Chronicles of the Going Home Club

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  • The club's responses to the "If the cuckoo doesn't sing..." phrase attributed to three Japanese warlords. They range from random (Karin's 'it must be sick') to 'meh' like Natsuki deciding she doesn't care, which Sakura interprets to be a deep philosophical insight to Claire wondering what a 'cuckoo' is in the first place.
  • Karin winning the social mixer training. She is declared the goddess of social mixers. Her response?
    Karin: Yay?
    • Of course, Botan's not one to lose anything to anybody. So what's her response?
    Botan: Miss Waitress? When do you get off work?
    • She gets plus infinity points.
  • During Botan's self-defense lesson, Botan explains that the technique she'd use to stop a suspicious person, would cause that person to 'burst'. Karin stays completely cheerful, and asks: "What do you mean by burst?"
  • The entirety of Karin being challenged to climb the stairs. Everybody overreacts as though climbing the stairs were like facing down some impossible challenge! It's hilarious! Natsuki later punches the wall out of frustration after Botan simply carries her up the stairs, instead of letting her do it herself as was the original intention.
  • The entire Guilty Judge game. Basically, it's a game of musical chairs being hosted by a pre-recorded message. The message keeps insisting that the people who don't make it into the chairs are dying, but nobody fails to make it into a chair during the game!
    • And the supposed corpse is the one that removes the chairs.
    Guilty Judge: Oh, and another thing: The bombs are invisible to beautiful girls.
    Botan: I get it! That's why you killed Sakura first, because she was the only one among us who can see the bombs!
    Sakura's Corpse: What!?!
    (Everybody stares at her.)
    Sakura's Corpse: That was just air leaking out of my lungs, and vibrating my vocal chords.
  • During one of the Four Kings' meetings, they all go over their observations of Botan. Seiryuu, Byakko, and Suzaku all end up buying stuff Botan was looking at or possessed, which Genbu calls them out on... and all those same items fall out of his shirt.
  • The end of episode 8. Claire attempts to use image editing software to remove Natsuki's cowlick, but the program crashes, the power goes out, and the credits theme even changes. After the credits, Claire notices Natsuki's cowlick is missing. She then sees that Karin, Sakura, and Botan have all gained cowlicks, so she feels her head, and lets out a high-pitched scream as the scene cuts to outside the house.
  • One sketch in episode 12 has the club lost trying to find a shop, while Sakura is consulting a map. Natsuki wonders if the punchline is that Sakura brought along a map of the world by mistake, and takes a look. As it turns out, Sakura was checking a map of the galaxy.
  • The final joke of the anime. Sakura announces that there's sixty seconds left in the series, and the rest of the girls become frantic as they try to decide on a good ending joke. Just then, Ai calls Natsuki, and Ai talks about how she was having trouble deciding on the tennis or 100 poems club. Ai concludes that she decided to join the volleyball club instead, and the episode ends soon after.
  • The actual final joke of the anime, after the credits. While the group is walking home, Karin stops the rest and points out an evening star she spotted. Touching music plays as everyone's amazed face is shown one after another... then the others point out that it's moving, and is actually an airplane.
