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  • Amy’s dorky attempt to talk to Ryan after she bumps into her.
    Ryan: Sharp elbows.
    Amy: Not as sharp as your... chin.
    Ryan: What? (starts touching her chin)
    • Ryan telling Amy about Nick’s party.
    Ryan: His aunt was on a cruise ship that sunk so he’s throwing a party at her house.
    Amy: Oh cool!
    Ryan: Well, I mean they’re on a boat... shitting in buckets.
  • Amy’s first crush was “the white cat from The Aristocats."
  • Molly fixing a grammatical error on the bathroom graffiti.
  • Amy admitting she masturbates with a stuffed panda. Molly looks at it and asks it what happened to its eye.
    Amy: That was before anything happened between us.
    • At the end of the film when Amy is packing up, her parents both take turns snuggling the panda to their faces since they know it’s important to Amy, but it grosses the girls out until Molly knocks the doll out of their hands.
  • George's introduction at the murder mystery party.
  • Alan's sister Flipping the Bird at him when he order his family not to come out of the kitchen yet because the party is still going.
  • The girls watching porn, in the very same car where their school principal is driving an Uber. He unknowingly plugs it into the car’s speakers, and everyone gets a graphic ear-full of the porn.
  • The whole stop-motion drug trip scene where the girls see themselves as plastic dolls. Molly complains about the proportions and anatomy of her doll body while Amy openly admires herself.
  • Literally any scene involving Gigi.
    Gigi: I AM A GOLDEN STARFISH!!! (belly-flops into the swimming pool )
    • Her whole introduction:
    Gigi: (drunkenly stumbling over her brother’s car) I’m fucking spent, Jared! I’m fucking spent.
  • Jared giving Molly's proxy speech. First, because the principal doesn't believe him until he starts repeating what Molly told him about this being like a senators proxy speech (which he agrees does sound like Molly) and then Jared reading it word for word, given that the graduation speech is a pretty feminist one and he even reads the very beginning saying his name is Molly.
  • Miss Fine purring at the wrong student after having a one night stand with Theo (who was held back twice).
  • The Principal's Suspiciously Specific Denial about how the last time he saw Molly was in school with everyone else.
  • Gigi falling asleep on the piano when she was supposed to play a song for George and Alan.
