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Fridge / The School for Good and Evil

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Beatrix the Evergirl seems like a more spiteful version of Sophie and they share many of their worst qualities, being jealous, bitchy, self-centred and nonetheless beautiful despite it. Except that unlike Sophie, Beatrix has been placed in the School for Good, meaning that she must have some good in her. Sure enough, during the final battle against Sophie, the uglified Beatrix is the first one to rally after Agatha's Rousing Speech.
  • The Ever girls demonstrating their better nature after losing their beauty ties in with Professor Manley's reasoning for uglification:
    Professor Manley: Only once you give up the surface can you dig beneath it. Only once you relinquish vanity can you be yourself. Only once you destroy who you think you are can you embrace who you truly are.
  • The Nevers help Sophie and Agatha more then the Evers. Starting in the first book, you can list Hester, Dot and Andil as allies, and Hort offers support later on. On the other hand not many Evers lend a hand unless it's imperative for survival (excluding Kiko). This may seem out of character for the supposedly evil villains, but this make sense because while all of the students dislike the Readers, the Nevers have less qualms with rule-breaking and going against the norm, and may be eager to be rebellious.
