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Characters / The School for Good and Evil

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Main Characters

    In General 
  • Ambiguously Bi: Sophie and Agatha, Tedros and Filip (Sophie as a boy), and Agatha and Tedros have all kissed each other.
  • Betty and Veronica: Somewhat Subverted. In the first book, Agatha is Betty, being Good, but she gets the guy, and stylish (and Evil) Sophie is Veronica, and ends up having her crush on Tedros unrequited.
  • Vague Age: A few lines in the third book imply that Tedros is just about to turn 16, ergo old enough to be crowned king, and it's implied that the girls are probably around 13-14 in the first book, and aging one year accordingly between each book.

    Sophie of Woods Beyond

  • Beauty Equals Goodness: Played With. As much as Sophie tries to be good, she realises that she will always be evil.
  • Color-Coded Eyes: Hers are jade green, symbolising her hidden penchant for villainy and her envy. Bonus for her becoming a literal Green-Eyed Monster.
  • Evil Former Friend: Once her Only Friend, the first book sees Sophie become this to Agatha.
  • Face–Heel Turn: She has numerous throughout the first trilogy. In the first book from aspiring Princess to willing Witch, in the second book when she "betrays" Agatha at the end for Rafal, and in the third book she spends most of the time as an antagonist while creating conflict among the heros.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Subverted. She’s a never.
  • Heel–Face Turn: At the end of the first trilogy, she turns against her lover to save her best friend.
  • Princess Classic: Subverted. Sophie aspires to this for the entirety of book one, and eventually settles on wanting to only be treated like royalty.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: Sophie thinks she’s an Ever until arriving at the school.

    Agatha of Woods Beyond

  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Agatha thinks this of herself, as does pretty much everybody else.
  • Informed Deformity: Despite being described as “ugly”, she looks normal, even sometimes conventionally attractive, in the illustrations.
  • Loners Are Freaks: In Gavaldon Agatha doesn't make any effort to be social and enjoys being seen as a "freak" because it means people will avoid her, which she wants. Downplayed in that Sophie forces Agatha into a friendship, and Agatha makes some other connections during the plot.
  • Princess Protagonist: It takes most of the first book to convince Agatha that she is this.
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: What Agatha learns she really is. Tedros even describes her as such in the second book.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: Her and Sophie think she’s a Never until she arrives at the school.
  • When She Smiles: Agatha so rarely smiles that the first time she manages a genuine one in Beautification, Professor Anemone and her whole class are stunned. After she gains some confidence in herself, she goes from a dour, unattractive girl to a radiant beauty that outshines even Beatrix.

    Tedros Pendragon of Camelot

  • Blue Blood: He's the son of King Arthur, making him a prince.
  • Chick Magnet: The most desirable of the Everboys. He rather despises himself for enjoying this status, as it reminds him of the failed relationship between his parents, which was built on appearance instead of true love.
  • Prince Charming: Parodied. Tedros is meant to portray a perfect fairytale prince, but is shown to have layers and Character Development throughout the story, while still have the base characteristics of a Prince Charming.

Other Students

    Hort of Bloodbrook
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Along with Dot, he seems the most ineffectual of the Nevers, yet in the Circus of Talents, he comes the closest to winning over his Ever counterpart.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: Hort possesses the ability to turn into a wolf-man as his special talent.

    Beatrix of Jaunt Jolie
  • Alpha Bitch: The most popular of the evergirls, and quite regularly insults Agatha when she first arrived at the School for Good.
  • Dude Magnet: The most desirable of the Evergirls and the one who gets the most attention from the boys.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Beatrix gets very jealous of Sophie flirting with Tedros.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: For most of the book Beatrix seems like a full jerk, even deliberately sabotaging Agatha's attempt to stop the rest of the Evers falling for Sophie's trap out of jealousy. Ultimately in the final fight though, Beatrix proves she was put in Good for a reason, as she's the first of her Uglified peers to rally after Agatha's Rousing Speech.

    Anadil of Bloodbrook

    Hester of Ravenswood
  • Animated Tattoo: Hester has a tattoo of a demon on her neck that comes to life when summoned.
  • Face–Heel Revolving Door: In the first book she goes back and forth between despising Sophie, then becoming a devoted follower of her as Sophie grows more and more villainous, only to be put off by Sophie's self-centred motivations, before going back to supporting her when Sophie manipulates her way back to the top of the pecking order again.
  • Wicked Witch: Not particularly ugly, but otherwise she’s a very stereotypical witch.

    Dot of Nottingham

    Reena of Pasha Dunes
  • Pretty Princess Powerhouse: Sophie originally thought of her as just another princess with a dull personality, but she proves her wrong.

    Kiko of Neverland
  • The Ditz: Kilo was only an average-ranked ever in the School for Good, and even worse in the School for Evil. She narrowly avoided becoming a goose, and would’ve been one if the School for New Evil had remained.
  • Girlish Pigtails: She has these in the picture shown above.
  • Smitten Teenage Girl: Nearly all of her conversations with Agatha revolve around Tristan, the Everboy she's enamoured with.


    Chaddick of Foxwood
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Chaddick was killed by the Snake while on his quest at Avalon at the beginning of Quests for Glory.

    Millicent of Maidenvale

    Mona of Oz




    Bogden of Woods Beyond

    Willam of Camelot 

    Nicola of Woods Beyond


    Clarissa Dovey

    Leonora Lesso 

    Princess Uma


    The School Master 

    Evelyn Sader 

    Aric Lesso
  • Armoured Closet Gay: He was ashamed of his relationship with Japeth and didn’t want anyone to find out about it.
  • Blood Knight: Killed his own mother among others.
  • Bury Your Gays: Is defeated at the end of the third book.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: as mentioned above, some fans treat him as if he were a lot less evil than he is, despite the fact that he killed his mother and Tristan/Yara and burned down some poor family’s house, among other things.
  • Hate Sink: Aric is a terrible person with almost no redeeming qualities about him.
  • He-Man Woman Hater: Aric has a low opinion of women. Main/Justified, since Leonora was forced to stop taking care of him, and he couldn’t understand what happened, causing him to believe that all women were like that.

    Rhian Sader-Mistral
  • Cain and Abel: Rhian is eventually betrayed and killed by his brother Japeth, who wants to revive his lover Aric rather than his mother.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Unlike his brother, he at least has good intentions despite being misguided.

    The Snake/Japeth Sader-Mistral 
  • Animal Motifs: Associated with snakes, both with his name and his suit.
  • Break His Heart to Save Him: Tedros attempts to Invoke this, by shapeshifting into Aric and trying to convince Japeth that he would see him again eventually and that he doesn’t need to go through with his plan. It fails.
  • Bury Your Gays: Is defeated at the end of the final book.
  • Cain and Abel: Kills his brother because he wants to revive his lover Aric rather than his mother.
