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Fanfic / The Josh Carter Stories

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The Josh Carter Stories is an ongoing Super Noobs Fan Fic series by benzjr. Taking place one year after the events of Supernoobs began, eighth grader aspiring socialite Josh Carter suddenly obtains the yellow battleball while taking a shortcut to a party, and now must take responsibility of his new powers and join these social nobodies to save their city from The Virus, only... He really doesn't want it, and he really doesn't care. He just wants to live a normal, semi-popular life crawling up the middle school social ladder by the skin of his teeth, and he's not going to let some fluke stop him. At least, that's what hes trying to do.

The Josh Carter Stories contains examples of:

  • Busman's Holiday: Josh is talked into bringing his battleball with him on vacation during Dancefest, despite intially wanting to leave it at home.
  • Incompletely Trained: Josh, in a desperate attempt to ignore his newfound superpowers, won't even show up to training. His avoidance has gotten to a point to where his alien trainers have repeatedly used not bothering him about coming to training as a bargaining chip
  • Refusal of the Call: He just does not want to be involved in this whole superhero business. At first he was excited, but it quickly faded into anger and resentment towards his alien trainers when he found out that his newfound powers permanently altered his DNA and left him unable to live his life normally.
  • Significant Name Overlap: The character that picks up the main cast from the airport in Dancefest, Johnannes, asks to be called Kevin. This is would be great, if one of Joshs superpowered teammates wasn't also named Kevin.
