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Fanfic / Red Bundle

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Red Bundle is a Star vs. the Forces of Evil fanfic by Prinnyramza that asks the question "If eight minutes were sixteen years, then couldn't a second have been another hour?"

After finding Hekapoo in his closet stealing a hoodie, Marco later tries to have a conversation with her only to find out that said hoodie was made into a blanket for Hekapoo's new baby, his daughter. What comes next is a very awkward time as Marco has to explain his situation to the people closest to him.

Currently ongoing, the story can be read on AO3 or FF.Net

Not to be confused with Like Father, Like Daughter, another story centered around Marco having a daughter with Hekapoo.

This fanfic provides examples of:

  • Abusive Parents: Jackie's birth mother who got a servant to abandon Jackie when she was a kid
  • Affably Evil: The manticore in Chapter 9 is friendly with the main characters up until he finds out Star is the princess of Mewni.
  • Disappeared Dad: Implied with Fergerson.
  • Double Standard Rape: Female on Male: Discussed and averted. While the reader knows Hekapoo and Marco's relationship was consensual because of Marco's true age, Marco's mom is horrified by the implication of an adult woman having a child with her physically teenage son.
  • Happily Adopted: Jackie.
  • The Stations of the Canon: Events from some episodes are implied to happen in the background, such as the Bounce Lounge closing and
  • What the Hell Is That Accent?: Alphonso. When he speaks his words are given descriptions such as they "fizzed like a bottle of club soda"
