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Comic Book / Batman And Nightwing Bloodborne

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A 2002 story Kelley Puckett that has Nightwing being called in by Alfred after Batman goes missing on a case and soon finds himself in a battle for survival.

It was released in March, 2002 by DC Comics.

Tropes for the comic:

  • Badass in Distress: Batman is this, as Nightwing has to first locate him after his mentor deliberately destroyed his tracker after being infected and then has to find a way to cure his adoptive father.
  • Blood Transfusion Plot: The plot deals with Nightwing needing to give blood to Batman after the latter is infected with a virus. Since the antidote has to be given from a transfusion, Nightwing injects himself with the drug and gives blood to Batman. It proves to be successful and both men recover.
  • Name and Name: Batman and Nightwing: Bloodborne.
  • One-Shot Character: Dragutsk, the Big Bad of the story, who had the virus that Bruce was infected with in the beginning of the story.
