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Characters / Wakko Warner

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    Winston Renraw 
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He is related to Wakko, Yakko and Dot. As he is Wakko's anti-counterpart, his brother and sister, Yakov and Toddie, are Yakko and Dot's counterparts, respectively.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He would never hurt a child, and not only that, but he would never injure a baby animal or anything that was a parent intentionally. To top this off, he kills other criminals.
  • Evil Twin: To Wakko Warner.
  • Heal It With Fire: He is immune to fire in every way, to the point where he takes baths in lava and showers in fire. Getting burnt heals him and Toons from his world actually consider the stinging of the pain from a burn to be pleasant.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: Winston lives and breathes this trope, doing such things as blowing up terrorists, stabbing murderers, and giving pedophiles an Anal Probing with a red-hot sword.
  • Pyromaniac: Winston enjoys setting things on fire and even burning criminals, and he even sets HIMSELF on fire!
