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Characters / Neglected Mario Characters

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This is a list of characters and related tropes in the webcomics of Neglected Mario Characters.

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Neglected Characters

    Fred the Spanyard 
Origin: The island of Span, on the planet Popstar.
Job: Soldier for Hire, formerly President of Span.
Age: 384
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 900 lbs
First Appearance: The EVIL-Luigi Story, part 3
Signature Move: Deathray / Ray of Death
Number of times he has been an Elvis impersonator: 12 and counting

A soldier for hire, hailing from the country of Span. He looks like a light green Bugzzy from Kirby's Adventure.

    Bill the Extra Guy 
Origin: Subcon, the world of Super Mario Bros. 2.
Job: An Extra Guy
Age: ?
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 100 lbs
First Appearance: The EVIL-Luigi Story, part 2
Signature Move: The Extra Attack
Number of gold medals won in the 1980 summer Olympics: 0
Number of silver medals won in the 1980 summer Olympics: 1, in the shot put

Bill is a pidget, specifically the first pidget encountered in Super Mario Bros. 2.

    Dr. Donez 
Dr. Donez is a tweeter from Super Mario Bros. 2

    Jill the Extra Gal 
An orange-colored Bronto Burt from Kirby.

    Phone the Clone 
First Appearance: The Mushroom Wars, part 4
A clone of Toad with a very different color palette.

Established Characters

Mario, the famous video game icon, and mascot of Nintendo itself. He is usually shown with the raccoon tail powerup from Super Mario Bros. 3.

  • Adaptational Dumbass: Mario is depicted as a clueless buffoon, unlike his generally competent portrayal in the video games.
