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  • Justin gets dragged underwater by hundreds of mutated magical lampreys. Marci assumes he's dead. Julius does not. A few moments later, the lampreys start jumping out of the water to get the hell away from Justin.
  • Julius blocks an acid attack from the giant lamprey, rebounding it off his magic—and the seal Bethesda placed on him. It hits so hard that even she feels it, but the point is that he wins.
  • In the Pit, Justin finally gives up and transforms, burning all the magic-eaters with green fire.
    By this point, the magic coming off Justin was so intense it was almost dizzying. But when he turned that green fire on the magic eaters, they did not feast as they had on Julius's blood. They fled, surging into the air with a chorus of terrified wails.
    Justin followed with a roar that cracked the blacktop, launching off the ground with a flap that nearly blew Julius over. By the time he'd righted himself again, Justin was high overhead, burning the magic eaters out of the air with gouts of green flame until the ashes fell like snow over the three remaining figures huddled together in the now-empty parking lot.
