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Nyperold2010-12-21 19:20:34

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episode 4: the other side of the lens

Miyuki is shown kneeling with a book on her knees. She's looking up, adjusting her glasses, and smiling.


The list of student with the highest exam results has been posted, and apparently, Miyuki's name is there. Konata calls her "amazing" for always seeming to be at the top of the class, and asks if she has any faults. Miyuki is embarrassed to admit it, but she sometimes thinks too hard or spaces out; she accidentally cuts herself on the veggie slicer; she trips over her own feet; or bumps into electrical poles. Tsukasa is horrified, but Konata figures those to be moe points with an element of "clumsy girl", rather than being faults. Miyuki herself seems to be surprised that Konata considers that as appealing to the moe aesthetic; Tsukasa wonders what her mind's eye could possibly be seeing.


Konata notices what I did back on pg. 8 (ep. 2, "differences in consciousness"), that Miyuki already has good looks, but questions why she wears glasses, given that she's limiting her target audience that way. Tsukasa refocuses the question. (Ba-dum-tsh!) She asks why Miyuki doesn't wear contacts, relating that she heard eyeglasses can hurt your vision. Miyuki's embarrassment increases, but admits that she's scared of putting anything in her eye, and can't keep her eyes open underwater. Konata thinks she's naturally cute, a "natural airhead" type.

she really collided

Tsukasa, while accompanied by Konata, notices Miyuki pacing in front of Yoshimizu Optometry. In her pacing, she runs into the sign. Konata figures it's better for her to stay that way. "I tell you, a natural monument!" Tsukasa just thinks it looks painful.

the amazing version

Konata starts the strip with a rousing reiteration of what Tsukasa apparently told her before the first panel: Kagami's got a cold and is staying home. Tsukasa says yes, and that it doesn't look like the flu. Konata claims her lack of smarts protects her from the flu and suchlike. Tsukasa had heard that about colds, but asks if it also applies to the flu. Beat Panel. Konata hadn't realized they were different things, believing the flu to be "the amazing version" of a cold. This causes Tsukasa to lose confidence that they're different things.

really is the amazing version

Similarly, Miyuki reiterates Konata's question about the difference between a cold and the flu. She compares them, with the conclusion that they're different illnesses, following up that influenza really is scary. Konata is deflated by this news, prompting Miyuki to stress that they share symptoms as well, which would make an allowance for Konata's "scaled-up version" idea, adding that colds are spread by viruses as well. Konata is cheered up by this.


Tsukasa notices Konata with a "complicated" look on her face. Konata says it's about that conversation. Tsukasa identifies the conversation meant. Konata is recalling that she didn't deny Konata being dumb. Tsukasa is horrified, and tries to explain that she was more thinking of the difference between colds and influenza.

superior, inferior

Hey, that's a chapter of The World Ends With You!

Anyway, Konata asks to see Miyuki's end-of-trimester report cards. (I know it's a more accurate term, but before this manga, I've only heard it used in connection with pregnancy...) Tsukasa, who has joined Konata, is awed (yet not surprised) by Miyuki's grades. Konata is a bit frustrated that she's losing. Tsukasa reminds her that Miyuki is at the top of their class, so neither Konata nor Tsukasa will be able to win. Konata, however, doesn't care about grades, just that Miyuki has a bigger bust.

somewhat embarrassing

Aww. Kagami is, as stated before, at home with a cold. In the blackness are Speech Bubbles, Which are thankfully easy enough to match with their owners: Tsukasa announces that she's home. Her mother welcomes her, and notes her friend. Tsukasa says she's one of her sister's friends. Her mother thanks Konata for coming all the way out there, but Konata tells her, "Oh, no. I take this opportunity to visit—" which... is it a standard phrase?

Konata notices that when Kagami's sleeping, she has a pretty cute face. (Shoulda seen the one on pg. 9, "efforts and results", panel 3.) Kagami's eyes open to find Konata staring her in the face. Konata sees that "she's up, she's up!" Kagami is embarrassed at being seen like that; she asks why Konata came over, and tells her to go home.

visiting the sick

Kagami is unsure. Konata, visiting just for her sake? She's willing to just take the sentiments, saying she'd feel bad if Konata caught it from her. Konata said she was a bit worried about her. Kagami goes all fuzzy and finds that this is making her happy, thinking that Konata is worried due to the new strain of viruses. Kagami had thought that all Konata thought about was anime and video games, and is touched by her concern. But then Konata springs homework on her, and remarks that she got to see a cute sleeping face. Kagami tells her to go home; she's not doing homework this time!


"Classmates with Konata and Tsukasa. Great looks, good grades, wonderful manners make her a model student, but she can be a natural ditz at times. She got to know Kagami well from both of them being class representatives, which led to her friendship with the other two girls."

Next time: episode 5!

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